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Book an appointment with our experienced consultancy to discuss your study abroad options.

Choose Your Country

ES processes Student Visa, Student Spouse Visa and Parents Visitors Visa for UK, USA, Canada, Australia and Malaysia.

Study in UK

One of the main advantages of studying in the UK is that you will be exposed to different cultures and experiences ...

Study in USA

Studying in the USA doesn’t just give you tangible degrees and certificates. For any international student, the USA has a lot ...

Study in Canada

Most students prefer to study in Canada because it is the most popular and cost effective study destination in the world ...

Study in Europe

Europe has long been the preferred overseas study destinations. Multicultural Europe is a safe, friendly, sophisticated ...

Study in Australia

Studying in the Australia doesn’t just give you tangible degrees and certificates. For any international student, the Australia has a lot…

Other Visa Services

ES Education Consultants also processes student dependent/spouse visa, parents visitor visa, family visit visa ...

Why Choose ES Consultancy?

In confusion, many can’t decide where to get proper knowing for his or her desired aim and sometimes it can be an unwise decision.


Experience – all that matters! Having more than 16+ years of experience in education consultancy, ES Education Consultants…


Straight Talk is Good Business! Our services are our commitments to you and we deliver what we commit. We do not chase the…


We look at the consultancy differently! We are highly clinical to take care of your problems and remain focused until we can…


Our excellent network with the Universities helps us to deliver superlative services to our students. We provide end to end…


Practical wisdom, trusted advice! Our success rate with visa applications and university admissions is one of the highest in…


Business is our signature! At ES, we are committed to provide much more than excellent education consultancy – with us…

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Years of Experience
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Success Story

Why we are different?

What makes us different makes us better.

We are distinctive in the quality of our services and stand out of the crowd. Unlike other consultancy firms in Bangladesh, we really care for our students. We always strive to give the best possible guidelines and solutions that a student may require. Our experienced consultants and in house lawyer are always at hand to prepare your visa application documents in a perfect way.
Free Advice
Satisfied Clients
Visa Success

Visa Success Ratio

We have a very good visa success rates due to our very professional commitment towards our students.
United Kingdom
United States of America

How We Work?

It is very easy to apply through ES Consultancy. It starts from career counselling and ends in pre-departure orientation.

Career Counselling - Course and Institution Selection - University Application

Visa Documents Preparation - Interview Preparation - Visa Application


Accommodation Arrangement - Airport Pick Up - Pre-departure Orientation

General Enquiry

If you wish to make a query, please complete the form below and submit.

Authorization And Certificate Of Recognitions

It is always better to apply through Authorized, Trained, Experienced Consultants. ES Consultancy is the Authorized Agent of many UK, USA, Canada, Australia and Malaysian Universities and Colleges.

Event and University Visits

Keep an eye on our regular Education Event, University Visits, Seminar, etc.