Are you looking for Scholarship?

Scholarship Assistance

Process your student visa application through the most reputed and successful consultancy firm in Bangladesh.

ES Education Consultants helps find scholarships for students interested in studying in UK, USA, Canada and Australia.

ES Education Consultants’ counsellors assist students in obtaining university scholarships for deserving applicants whose academic performance are outstanding. The Universities whom we work with are always looking to recruit academically meritorious students and offer substantial scholarship offers.

How we can help

  • Find scholarships that match your academic interests and budgetary level
  • Inform you of university courses that offer scholarships just for our students
  • Provide full up-to-date information on local and national scholarships
  • Help draft scholarship application letters
  • Represent your scholarship application to the Universities we work with

If you require further information about how we assist to obtain scholarship, whom we work with, please feel free to call or send an e-mail to One of our friendly counsellor will answer all your queries.